
Honesty/Respect & "Cheap"

I saw this sentence in my FB account where my friend re-post a post from someone else,
it goes like this:

HONESTY is an expensive thing, don't expect it from CHEAP people. 

I'm sure many people have saw this online too. And, I would like to add another sentence to it. 

RESPECTING OTHERS is a precious thing, don't expect it from anyone and of course not everyone and anyone people knows how to pay basic respect to others. 

To me, Basic Respecting others regardless of nationality, race, age, gender, and color is VERY important.

Regardless of who they are! I THINK that we SHOULD at least give and pay basic respect to others. 
For example, when a person comes to you politely, you can reply them with a smile OR at least try to talk in a polite tone of voice regardless of how you feel that day. 

It seems to me that a friend's impoliteness and specific behaviour had caused me to have so many reflections about myself. I don't mean to label her as a CHEAP people, but I really think that she is so cheap in terms of controlling herself emotionally.

Anyway, what I meant is treat everyone around you nicely and respect them as a person no matter what's happening in your own life. 


  1. halo i'm BACK! This reminds me of that person in that cohort..ekeke

    1. Jengmun, did you mean you have your blog back? =)
      Anyway, I'm not too sure which person you are referring to... share with me more the next time we meet? ;p

  2. Agree. if u put respect in front, you will be more able to control ur reaction and not show it to some innocent fren/family/strangers of urs despite the shitty mood u might have sometimes.

    1. Yes yes yes!!! People became victims and I don't want to be one of the victim anymore~~~


Happy New Year 2024

 今年對我來說是一個新開始, 因為我真的要結束我“念書”的日子了。 想得到很久的master也在去年得到了。 但是我沒有想像中的激動,開心一定的。 我現在面臨的問題確實身份曖昧, 我必須重新定義我的專業身份。 同時我的生活也有很多的不確定性。 如果要說,感覺上3天3夜都說不完。 ...