I'm addicted to this korean show called "we're married"..I translated it from mandarin though, it might not be that accurate.. :p
Personally, I think it's quite fun watching it because I enjoy watching it and it seems to help me to release my stressesssssssssssss......
However, there's sad part in that show too... I just can't take it...
Yet, I still have the STRONG URGE to watch it...and I can't help myself...It does disrupt my daily living...thus...I concluded that I am addicted to it already....
I won't deny it....
Due to my super SLOW line...I've been through the longest 12 minutes ever just to see one of the couples met...OMG...As I've said earlier, I just can't help myself to resist from watching it although I am having mt midterms next week..
I'm scared +++++, at the same time wanting to watch this show!!!!!!
and my journey to self discovery~~~ for I am aWaKe... 我向往自由自在的生活,也在卖力前往中~~~ Go for your dream!人因梦想而伟大 =) Live each day as if its the last day you have, then, you'll realized, how precious life is... 明天要比今天幸福,后天要比明天更幸福 《绅士的品格》 一天要比一天幸福
这是我对这几天和朋友讨论后, 我的想法。
成经我也有过类似的经验,不过,对方没有解释, 并且当作没有一回事。
这, 真的很令我受伤。
可是 , 我有一个比较好的解决方法。 因为我会说出来!!!!
虽然说了会引起不必要的麻烦, 可是, 这是我的选择。你喜欢还是我喜欢?:p
其实, 在这一次的事件里, 我只能说, 我只知道其一, 不知道其他 的。
所以, 我是带着偏见来看这一次的事件的。
不过, 我真的觉得有人作得太过分了。
这是我的看法, 因为有人真的小看了自己所作所为会影响到别人。
是不是他们太过individualistic 呢? 可是,这又不符合他们平时的形象。
成经我也有过类似的经验,不过,对方没有解释, 并且当作没有一回事。
这, 真的很令我受伤。
可是 , 我有一个比较好的解决方法。 因为我会说出来!!!!
虽然说了会引起不必要的麻烦, 可是, 这是我的选择。你喜欢还是我喜欢?:p
其实, 在这一次的事件里, 我只能说, 我只知道其一, 不知道其他 的。
所以, 我是带着偏见来看这一次的事件的。
不过, 我真的觉得有人作得太过分了。
这是我的看法, 因为有人真的小看了自己所作所为会影响到别人。
是不是他们太过individualistic 呢? 可是,这又不符合他们平时的形象。
因为我有一个朋友说,如果那个人对你不重要,那他说的话也不重要 (and vice versa)。
可是,我并不时100% 的认同这一句话。
因为,有时候,我们并不是重视那个人,或是在意 那个人,
我们而是自私 的纯粹在意自己的 image 和关心 其他人如何看自己。
可是, 又有人说,这样不是太幸苦了吗?难道你只为了人家的想法而活吗?
那么, 在我看来,这些都要靠个人的适应能力了。
如果你可以只活在自己的世界里, 那当然没有问题了。
可是, 当你选择醒来时, 你可能适应不到现实的残酷。
因为我有一个朋友说,如果那个人对你不重要,那他说的话也不重要 (and vice versa)。
可是,我并不时100% 的认同这一句话。
因为,有时候,我们并不是重视那个人,或是在意 那个人,
我们而是自私 的纯粹在意自己的 image 和关心 其他人如何看自己。
可是, 又有人说,这样不是太幸苦了吗?难道你只为了人家的想法而活吗?
那么, 在我看来,这些都要靠个人的适应能力了。
如果你可以只活在自己的世界里, 那当然没有问题了。
可是, 当你选择醒来时, 你可能适应不到现实的残酷。
可是,當某一方面不覺得另一方面在遷就他時, 問題也就接踵而來。
一方面覺得我付出的很多,可是另一方又不珍惜, 這真的會很令人傷心。
這不單單發生在愛情里, 我覺得這發生在任何一種關系里。
有時候, 還為了顧及他們的感受而假裝不知道一些事情, 其實我們又不是盲的, 也不是聾的, 很多事我們是知道的, 千萬不要以為 別人不知道。
如要人不知, 除非己莫為。
可是,當某一方面不覺得另一方面在遷就他時, 問題也就接踵而來。
一方面覺得我付出的很多,可是另一方又不珍惜, 這真的會很令人傷心。
這不單單發生在愛情里, 我覺得這發生在任何一種關系里。
有時候, 還為了顧及他們的感受而假裝不知道一些事情, 其實我們又不是盲的, 也不是聾的, 很多事我們是知道的, 千萬不要以為 別人不知道。
如要人不知, 除非己莫為。
Running my Experimentssssss
Here I am, in Ms Winnee's office, waiting for my participants to come for my experiment....
But, I was late!!!!
And the first session was canceled, then, another participant didn't turn up for my experiment....
So, I basically sat there doing nothing but blogging and surfing the web... :p
Isn't this fun???
How often can you sit in your lecturer's room alone and you are free to do anything??? :D
Reflection Paper
I planned to finish my reflection paper before Sunday...Look at the time now..I just started to work on it...
I don't know how to write it, because I didn't really pay attention in class. :p
But I shall complete it soon so that I have enough time on my Thesis...
To be honest, I can now understand why my friend had a mild depression while she was completing her thesis...I can totally understand you now... :p
I don't like myself being so unproductive!!!!
Where are my energies and my enthusiastic back in those days???
p/s: This semester is boring to me too, despite the fact that I am doing my Thesis 2 this semester and had a really tight schedule, maybe it was due to the fact that we hang out too often last week. :p
I don't know how to write it, because I didn't really pay attention in class. :p
But I shall complete it soon so that I have enough time on my Thesis...
To be honest, I can now understand why my friend had a mild depression while she was completing her thesis...I can totally understand you now... :p
I don't like myself being so unproductive!!!!
Where are my energies and my enthusiastic back in those days???
p/s: This semester is boring to me too, despite the fact that I am doing my Thesis 2 this semester and had a really tight schedule, maybe it was due to the fact that we hang out too often last week. :p
I'm not sure whether I should tell my friends about this blog because I don't really want people to read all my thoughts. But I find myself contradicting myself because "what's the point of a blog if I don't want people to read and see it??" Right??? okay, I shall 顺其自然....
Maybe I was just too boring being alone in my room ever since my sis left and I had no one to turn to in telling my random thoughts... I don't know...Let's see.. :p
Maybe I was just too boring being alone in my room ever since my sis left and I had no one to turn to in telling my random thoughts... I don't know...Let's see.. :p
That's NOT what I MEANT
I think I had speak something wrong today...Not really wrong but something that had cause people to misunderstand what I mean..While I was driving back home, I was thinking and reflecting on it...Why didn't I explain it to them right away??? I don't know, maybe it was due to my headache... I was too lazy to speak...Can you imagine me being that tired and lethargic?? okay...I will explain to some of them tomorrow...
p/s: ever since I changed to my new car, my side mirrors has been the victim of the motorcyclists!!!!! Why?? They always hit on my side mirrors and just ran away like that!!! It happened today as well!!!
p/s: ever since I changed to my new car, my side mirrors has been the victim of the motorcyclists!!!!! Why?? They always hit on my side mirrors and just ran away like that!!! It happened today as well!!!
A good start
Hmm..I chose to start blogging at the busiest time that I'm having in my life. I don't know what happened to me, but I just feel like having it right now...
Yea, here I am now...being a blogger.... :p
Yea, here I am now...being a blogger.... :p
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Happy New Year 2024
今年對我來說是一個新開始, 因為我真的要結束我“念書”的日子了。 想得到很久的master也在去年得到了。 但是我沒有想像中的激動,開心一定的。 我現在面臨的問題確實身份曖昧, 我必須重新定義我的專業身份。 同時我的生活也有很多的不確定性。 如果要說,感覺上3天3夜都說不完。 ...

我知道你有看我的Blog,希望你知道是你, 因为没有勇气confront你,所以在这里把想说的说了。 其实,我的智商可能不高,可是看在我是大学毕业生,我的智商应该不低, 我也可以很确定的告诉你,我的智商绝对和一般人差不多! 可能还没有达到你愿意废神来解释给我听得程度, 可是,我想...
总结来说,2015年对我来说是像坐过山车和起伏不定的一年。 从毕业后到处找工的彷徨到申请PhD, 再到终于都找到一份我想做的工时,身体就亮红灯。 期间面对我的hyperthyroidism, 然后developed medication side effect...
大家都很开心的跨年了吧~~~ 我自己一个人和我爸妈在家, 自己一个人看台北101放的烟花, 然后自己温习完就上床睡觉了。 *一月二号要考试* 希望大家都可以和自己爱的人一生一世吧~~~ 回顾这一年, 我真的有时时刻刻的记着“要宽以待人,严以待己”,...