
Friends & Friendship

Hmm, I faced with some difficulties recently and I needed help from my friend. 
This is especially important and a time to really understand/see through a person.
Well I do understand and aware that everyone have different perception towards friendship and friends 
because of the different socialization process we have gone through throughout our life.

I have always knew that all of us do not share the same beliefs and concept of friends but I didn't know that it was this serious.
I honored the differences in opinion but I do not appreciated the idea of shutting others off with your own idea and condemned the ideas of others...
This is intolerable to me...
However, through what I have experienced, I really thought that we were friends and helping friends are the best thing that we can do for our friends...
I really do think so...
Sadly, it wasn't mutually understand.  
But what I have experienced did not match my concepts. 
Thus, I do not know what to say but it created some sort of a wall in between us. 
  An invisible one. 
Because I was shocked to get to know about the reality and the different concept of friend. 

1 comment:

  1. such is life... there are some concepts we assume mutually understood, however for good or bad, diversity really exists...

    *pat pat*


Happy New Year 2024

 今年對我來說是一個新開始, 因為我真的要結束我“念書”的日子了。 想得到很久的master也在去年得到了。 但是我沒有想像中的激動,開心一定的。 我現在面臨的問題確實身份曖昧, 我必須重新定義我的專業身份。 同時我的生活也有很多的不確定性。 如果要說,感覺上3天3夜都說不完。 ...