

So, the world didn't end as expected by many people around the world yesterday. 


Today should be celebrated right?
Since we are still living...

The moment I woke up this morning, I quickly looked out my window 
to check if the sky is bright or with complete darkness...
I kinda hope that it was too dark for me to drive all the way to PJ
to do my group assignments...
But it didn't happen like I thought it would...

So, life goes on...
I have to complete my assignments and exams are coming soon...
But we still have assignments to hand in on the exam day...
Meaning I will be busy...


And, my eldest sister went for her wedding registration the day
before the world ends * rumor has it*
I don't know if they want to stay together forever before the world ends
or what, but they have decided to do it on this day...
It's a unique date after all,
so at least I too have something memorable to think about
when I am old I guess...


It'll be my youngest brother's 21st birthday, 
and I completely forgotten about this, 
luckily my brother reminded me. 
Well, it's not bad that the world is not ending because my brother 
still gets to celebrate his 21st birthday... 

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Happy New Year 2024

 今年對我來說是一個新開始, 因為我真的要結束我“念書”的日子了。 想得到很久的master也在去年得到了。 但是我沒有想像中的激動,開心一定的。 我現在面臨的問題確實身份曖昧, 我必須重新定義我的專業身份。 同時我的生活也有很多的不確定性。 如果要說,感覺上3天3夜都說不完。 ...