I met with my Thesis supervisor today and she said that the reason that my marks was slightly lower than my the other friends was due to my first draft was not that good. I was really shocked and didn't know how to react. When I told my friends about this, they rang a bell in my head....
Yea, then what's the point of me sending drafts if I was going to be graded by the draft?? huh??
Weren't drafts supposed to help me to score better as I have improved at the final paper??
Tell me??Anyone???
However, I still have to admit that I am satisfied with the grade I have la...
Furthermore, she said that she was quite happy with our performances...
Cheers~~~~~~~(to Mia, Lai Ying, Kah Hwei, Ji Kwan, n Vivienne) =)
* Anyone know what non-paramatic test I should run for an ANOVA??
I think I've made her angry by asking her bout the draft...how???
and my journey to self discovery~~~ for I am aWaKe... 我向往自由自在的生活,也在卖力前往中~~~ Go for your dream!人因梦想而伟大 =) Live each day as if its the last day you have, then, you'll realized, how precious life is... 明天要比今天幸福,后天要比明天更幸福 《绅士的品格》 一天要比一天幸福
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Happy New Year 2024
今年對我來說是一個新開始, 因為我真的要結束我“念書”的日子了。 想得到很久的master也在去年得到了。 但是我沒有想像中的激動,開心一定的。 我現在面臨的問題確實身份曖昧, 我必須重新定義我的專業身份。 同時我的生活也有很多的不確定性。 如果要說,感覺上3天3夜都說不完。 ...

我知道你有看我的Blog,希望你知道是你, 因为没有勇气confront你,所以在这里把想说的说了。 其实,我的智商可能不高,可是看在我是大学毕业生,我的智商应该不低, 我也可以很确定的告诉你,我的智商绝对和一般人差不多! 可能还没有达到你愿意废神来解释给我听得程度, 可是,我想...
总结来说,2015年对我来说是像坐过山车和起伏不定的一年。 从毕业后到处找工的彷徨到申请PhD, 再到终于都找到一份我想做的工时,身体就亮红灯。 期间面对我的hyperthyroidism, 然后developed medication side effect...
大家都很开心的跨年了吧~~~ 我自己一个人和我爸妈在家, 自己一个人看台北101放的烟花, 然后自己温习完就上床睡觉了。 *一月二号要考试* 希望大家都可以和自己爱的人一生一世吧~~~ 回顾这一年, 我真的有时时刻刻的记着“要宽以待人,严以待己”,...
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